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A smiling young lady over her shoulder while on a ladder working with a boat

Embracing the Winds of Change: Louise’s Journey with the Foundation

In the bustling seaside town of Cowes, where sailing is as intrinsic to the culture as the salty sea air, a vibrant disability sailing community thrives at the Andrew Cassell Foundation. Among the volunteers helping get the happy if sometimes dysfunctional family of disabled sailors, supporters and volunteers on the water is Louise. She is … Read more

A young man on the right of the picture is feeding a sail into the groove on a sailboat boom

The ACF secret sauce

Reflecting on personal transformation with Bex Bex identified mentoring as possibly the most important thing the Andrew Cassell Foundation (ACF) does – perhaps of equal, or perhaps sometimes greater importance than the on water activity. They noted that it wasn’t only a vertical relationship between say coach and participants but that in some aspects other … Read more

a man in a blue sailing smock sits on the side deck of a boat looking towards camera

Bex Foulsham: profile

Bex’s Autism and other disabilities means they approach sailing in a particular way and has limited them to supported activity, but with the Foundation’s help they are developing into an increasingly competent keelboat sailor capable of sailing in open regattas with and against a mixture of able bodied and disabled sailors. With support of the … Read more

Andrew Cassell Foundation (Racing for the Disabled) is a Charity in England and Wales: 1057742

Supports people with disabilities (mainly physical & sensory) to take part in yacht racing and cruising and to encourage the integration of sailors with disabilities with able bodied sailors