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ACF Sailing App download help

Download our awesome new app now and stay up to date with all the latest information. A pdf version of the ACF Sailing App download instructions is available for users who find this more helpful than using a web page.

Install the ACF Sailing App on your smartphone or tablet now:

Download links for the ACF Sailing App from the App Store and the Google Play Store:

Follow These Steps :

  1. Download Stack Team App from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
  2. Sign up to Stack Team App. You will be sent an e-mail to confirm your registration.
  3. Log into the App and search for ACF Sailing.
  4. Choose your applicable Access Group(s).
  5. If you don’t have a smartphone go to, to sign up and view this App online.

Andrew Cassell Foundation (Racing for the Disabled) is a Charity in England and Wales: 1057742

Supports people with disabilities (mainly physical & sensory) to take part in yacht racing and cruising and to encourage the integration of sailors with disabilities with able bodied sailors